Jumat, 23 Oktober 2015

"E-commerce impact to Business and Logistics Industry in Indonesia"

General Discussion at STMT TRISAKTI JAKARTA
"E-commerce impact to Business and Logistics Industry in Indonesia"

Moderator: R. Rahmat Didiet Hidayat
1.      Mrs. Ventya Gemma as vice president of lazada express
2.      Mr. Hadi kuncoro as COO of  a-commers Indonesia

Mrs. Ventya Gemma 
E -commerce is a way to shop or trade online, or selling that utilize the internet which fasilita against websites that can provide services Gerand deliver. These business transactions occur either business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business.

Advantages of Onlie Shopping, such as:
  1. Faster buying/ selling procedure, as well as easy to find products.
  2. Buying/ selling 24/7. Which means you can shop for any time you want to.
  3. More reach to customers, there is no theoretical geographic limitations
  4. Low operational cost and better quality of services
  5. Customers can easily select products from different providers without moving around physically.

Disadvantages of Online Shopping, such as:
  1.  Any one, good or bad, can easily start a business. And there are many bad sites which eat up customers’ money.
  2. There is no guarantee of product quality
  3. Mechaanical failures can cause unpredictable effects the total processes.
E-commerce challenges in Indonesia:

Only 40% population in Indonesia has bank accounts and only 4.5% of Indonesia’s population have a credit card. As we know now about COD system, it helps Indonesian which doesn't have both of payment service that already able before.

E-commerce goals:
  1. On Time Delivery. Every costumers want that service. They even expected like a flash delivery.
  2. No Damage. Right package is everything.
  3. No Missing. Which costumers expect for that??!
  4. Tracking by. All of us definitely want to be able tracking our orders.
  5. Delivery miles update. Costumers are so freaking out.
  6. Inventory accuracy. Because basically we sell things and we have to get something like profit.
  7.  Fifo. Systematic of classification that depends on expired date or needed.
  8. IT integrated. Technology and system are so important.
  9. High Productivity. Always developing, always bring something new.
And also Mrs. Ventya explained about:
  •  E-commerce Players
  • E-commerce Growth
  • 1212 day
  • E-commerce Logistics Challenges, such as Fulfillment, Last Mile Delivery, Reverse Logistics
  • E-commerce Supply Chain, which is divided into two namely, customers offline and online

Mr. Hadi kuncoro
In the second conversation Mr. Hadi explained about e-commerce. The e-commerce market potential of Indonesia is very large. Currently, there are about 70 million active internet users in Indonesia, but the usual 20 million new online shopping. Still there are 50 million potential market untapped.

Mr. Hadi explain about what is sold by E-commerce of  product and service by them, namely:
  1. Technology Development
  2. Performance Marketing
  3. E-Fulfillment & Delivery
  4. Cross Border “International” Ecommerce
The Challenges of E-commerce:
  1. Market
  2. Infrsastructure
  3. Mind Set & People
  4. Logistics Network
And also Mr. Hadi explained about
  1. Key factors on shipping processes, consists of a comparison of traditional logistics and a delivery
  2. Warehouse Set up
  3. Current Conditional of the Gap. Included, Conventional Retailer VS E-Retailer
  4. What is Supply Chain
  5. ASEAN e-commerces market potential (cont’d), and so on

      Nama    : Mutia Sabrina Mardias
      Jurusan : D-III MLM A 2014/2015
      Nim       : 2234.14.040

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